
The Federation of Voluntary Social Welfare Entities (hereinafter EPSVs) is the most outstanding and representative Basque grouping of EPSVs and currently comprises about 70 entities that joined the organisation voluntarily and pay benefits in excess of 780 million Euros to their associates.
The EPSVs Federation of the Basque Country is a non-profit organisation whose funding mainly comes from the fees paid by its associates i.e., the federated EPSVs, although a small subsidy is also provided by the Basque Government.
The EPSVs Federation of the Basque Country is run by a General Assembly and a Board and features are another two areas, one technical and the other administrative.
The Basque Country’s Federation of EPSVs is involved in a number of territorial forums. It is, in fact, a member of the Basque Council for Social Welfare representing the EPSVs sector. It is also a prominent member of the Spanish Confederation of Voluntary Social Welfare Mutualities Confederación Española de Mutualidades de Previsión Social Voluntaria, with a representative at PensionsEurope, Europe’s most important pensions association and is an observer member of EAPSPI, the European Association of Public Sector Pension Institutions.

Cover letter from Basque Government

We will now introduce a number of basic notions to help you have a better understanding of how important EPSVs are.

EPSVs were born in the Basque Country

EPSVs are an institution born and bred in the Basque Country. Even so, many similarities can be found throughout Spain and Europe in the form of Spanish Mutual Social Security Schemes or European Pension Funds (ORPs).

Governing regulations and administrative monitoring applicable to EPSVs

EPSVs are a Basque institution governed by the regulations approved by the Basque Parliament and Government. The Basque Government is in charge of monitoring and supervisory actions.

The aim of EPSVs

The aim of EPSVs is to supplement the public Social Security so that, once the age of retirement has been reached, an associate receives an amount that is as close as possible to the last sum paid in the form of wages for an active worker.

The importance of EPSVs

On December 31, 2023 EPSVs equity exceeded 28 million euros and accounted for more 30% of the Basque Country’s GDP. This figure nearly triples other Spanish systems and is similar to the EU 14 average.

Contributions exceeded 815 million euros with slightly over 1,100,000 accounts. This means that nearly half the active working population enjoys coverage of this kind.

Benefits paid in 2023 by EPSVs have exceeded 820 million euros, which means that over 4,000 million euros have been paid during the last 5 years.

The advantages of subscribing to an EPSVs

  • You and you family will maintain quality of life after retirement.
  • Tax benefits apply whilst contributions are made.

When and how much you should pay into an EPSVs

  • It is advisable to start making payments into an EPSVs as soon as you find a job.
  • It is recommended that an amount sufficient to reach 20% of your last salary be paid.
EPSV formación

When can you collect an EPSVs?

Whenever any of the contingencies covered by the EPSVs by-laws occur, namely, retirement, permanent disability, death, severe disease or long-term unemployment.

Generally speaking, and in the case of individual and associate EPSVs, economic rights can be recovered by year ten counted as from when the initial EPSVs payment was made.

How can you collect from an EPSVs?

You have to comply with what the regulations of each Entity say and it could be in the following ways:

  • Income (regular payments)
  • Capital (only one payment)
  • Mixed (by combining both of the previous modalities)

Taxation applicable to EPSVs contributions and benefits

Fiscal incentives apply to EPSVs contributions based on reducing the general taxable base of Income Tax. Any amounts received from an EPSVs, however, are taxed as earned income in terms of the Personal Income Tax. In other words, the EET system applies.





Federation of Voluntary Social Security Entities of Euskadi

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  • Hurtado de Amézaga, 28
    1º, izq. izq
    48008 Bilbao

  • From 9:00 to 14:00

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